Navigating the Complexity of Modern Mobile Networks

Navigating the complexity of modern mobile networks: Striving for excellence in performance and efficiency

In the continuous strive for higher speed, capacity, responsiveness, quality and efficiency, mobile networks grow increasingly complex. Each successive wireless generation introduces new functionalities and features subsequently demanding higher performance from the equipment.

There is also the added challenge of maintaining support for the earlier generation devices and services. To date, the combination has evolved to 2G-3G-4G-5G, although 3G is gradually being phased out.
At the radio interface, a significant complicating factor is the set of frequency bands to be supported. 2G standard is specified globally with four different bands. By the introduction of 5G we are moving towards hundred different band variants. And to make things even more challenging, new bands are being allocated at increasingly high frequencies, 71 GHz being the highest so far. Maintaining required high performance across the bands and at such extreme frequencies is a major headache for the radio engineers.

Radio complexities do not end there. From the simple two-way receiver diversity of early base stations, the evolution has led to current massive MIMO solutions, with tens or even hundreds of individual antenna elements. In addition to calling for a huge number of respective transmitters/receivers, such arrangements enable advanced techniques, such as multi-user MIMO for extreme efficiency.

Conquering complexity: Meeting the multi-faceted testing challenges of evolving mobile networks

These developments – growing number of radio features, multiple network generations, huge range of radio frequencies and extensive antenna configurations – ensure that test development engineers remain busy. It is not sufficient just to guarantee appropriate equipment functionality any more. As each new generation is expected to provide ever increasing performance, there must also be the capability to verify that this is actually achieved. That is not a straightforward or simple task to accomplish.

R&D testing is performed to guarantee excellent equipment design, whereas production testing validates the quality of the production process. Each domain calls for somewhat different testing strategy, methodology and technology.

Unveiling next-generation testing solutions: Orbis Systems leadership in 5G radio equipment validation

Being a leading global testing solution provider, Orbis Systems has invested heavily in creating platform technologies and system solutions for the validation of 5G radio equipment, addressing both R&D and production needs. Hence, we can provide the solution for diverse 5G testing challenges in various sizes and configurations. They range from compact rack-fitting set-ups to auditorium-sized environments, including a customized Sectored Multiprobe Anechoic Chamber (SMPAC) for massive MIMO products.

Harri Posti
PhD Telecommunications
Business Development Manager
Orbis Systems

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